Tuesday, November 3, 2009


How to Create an Origami Puppy Finger Puppet
1. Take a square piece of paper and hold it in a diamond shape.
2. Fold it in half, from tip-to-tip;make a crease;unfold.
3. Fold it in half from the other tip-to-tip; crease.
4. Fold the top two corners down to the tip to make a smaller diamond.
5. Fold the top layer up(forms the ears)
6. Fold the next top layer up(looks like a mouth)
7. Fold a tiny bit of each side inwards.
8. Fold the last layer up.
9. Fold a little bit of the top down.
10. Fold the ears down.
11. Tape the little bit down.(optional)
12. Turn it around.
13. Draw a face on the puppy.
14. You and your new puppy finger puppet are ready to play!!

• On your 1st try,you might want to start on a big piece of paper.
• Then you can work your way down in size,then you can have a family!

Things You'll Need
• Different sized,square pieces of paper
• Markers(black or colored)
• Tape(optional)

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